Trade Show Success!

Friday morning saw a trailer filled with boards and the Stretch crew driving down the 101 to Ventura, CA to participate in the Sacred Craft Surfboard show. A quick stop at In-N-Out, a brief stint of traffic in SB (even when they tore out Greenough's old place there's still always gonna be two lanes through Cito!) and we found ourselves at the Ventura fairgrounds. Our friend Nick from SOMA airbag designs was on board as well as our friend Tristan (a.k.a. "parasite" or "stretch's new verbal punching bag") crammed in for the ride as well. With well thought out planning and a crew of 5 guys doing set up we ended up starting happy hour early and walked across the street for a quick session at windy C-street. I quickly realized that 7 Coors lights and 6 hours sitting in a car stuffed with a bunch of guys doesn't make your surfing look all that smooth. Good times were had. We surfed again in the morning, met tons of people at the show, answered a bazillion questions about deck channels and did a fun glassing demo (Check out the rad video Jimmy from Marko Foam made of the eps/epoxy enviro-glassing demo). We ended up having a blast and met tons of friends old and new. Can't wait to do it again and if we learned anything from this experience it's: -never choose the seat behind Stretch when he's driving with a cigar (unless you don't like breathing) -don't have seconds on the beans if you're carpooling with 5 guys -always make sure the cooler is stocked -show specials and discounts are cool but if you bring Stretch a cigar you get VIP pricing on any board! here's our friend Nick Palandrani shaping his Yater Spoon replica for the tribute shape off. I think Nick enjoyed Stretch heckling him through the glass more than Stretch did! our friend Nick Palandani in the fish bowl! We like Primo Beer! thank you primo! tag team lam jam at the Foam EZ, Marko booth: lam jam! Here's a video for ya:
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