Stretch Stock Surfboards Available For Sale on Webstore
Stock Boards Available
Based on the most popular models and dimensions, we've built several stock boards that are currently available for sale on our webstore.
Boards starting at only $580
Domestic Shipping is only $60 Flat Rate via FedEx.
All boards come with composite fins, and you can upgrade to a premium set of fins for only a bit extra.
Our store also carries, Traction Pads, Leashes, Wax, Fin Box Fillers, Nubster Fins, and Board Bags, so you can literally have a board shipped to you with everything you need to surf.
Check out the store here:
The boards are going pretty fast, so if you've been saving up/stalling out on ordering a custom, regularly checking craigslist for a used one, or punking our shop demos, here's a great chance to get a board now.