New Fletcher Four-fin model for 2011!!!!!!

See what's new from our four-finned friend....Stretch runs us through the latest and greatest addition to the Fletcher Four-fin evolution. Nathan and friends have been testing out some new design features to make progressive surfing something every surfer should be a part of. Stretch gives a rundown of what's to come with the latest collaboration with Nathan Fletcher pushing the limits of what four fins can do to change your life. We still don't know what we're calling it yet. Not sure when the new fin template will be available with Future fins. Not sure i should even been telling you about all this just yet. All we know is that the saying, "If it ain't broke don't fix it" didn't quite resonate with Stretch and Nathan. New fin template, new rocker, new foil and a few other tricks up the sleeve bring this collaboration of controlled flex and design to a whole new level. The feedback thus far has been insane. Go ahead and add some quickness, twang and zip to your surfing already!
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