"Mid Life" ft. Jonathan Wayne Freeman

"Mid Life" ft. Jonathan Wayne Freeman

A long long long long time ago...
JWF first heard about Stretch Surfboards when he was 19 years in the pages of Surfing Magazine. In between looking at Reef Girl Ads he would pause and admire the Love Handles and curves of the Stretch Board Lineup. JWF sent Stretch a handwritten letter in 2005 asking if he could become a team rider. Stretch wrote back that he could not as he was currently busy making boards for some the best surfers and heaviest waves in the world. Stretch did however send JWF one single sticker. This sticker was placed on JWFs beer fridge for the next 16 years. In JWFs darkest hours he would gently sip a Coors Banquet Beer and stare at the sticker. This Stretch Surfboards Sticker got him through breakups, arrests and even deaths of friends and family. He would gaze at it and longingly dream that one day he would have his own Stretch Surfboard Model. In 2021 the impossible happened. Stretch was struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration one day while staring at Posters of Chicks in Thongs in his Shaping Bay.... He thought " YA know who needs a board Model", " Middle Aged White Dudes who Suck at Surfing". He remembered that Sad Kook who He sent a Sticker to back in 2005 . Thinking the Kook was surely Dead at this point he found him on a Google Search and found him to be residing in Oceanside CA. Stretch Phoned JWF and asked him if he still wanted to be the Stretch Surfboard Team and if he wanted his own Model. JWF passed out upon hearing this News and hit his head...when He awoke he had the Perfect MID LIFE model in his Brain. It would be a bladed out Weapon designed to be surfed as high performance as a MID length could be. It would be all business in the back end with the same tail STRETCH uses on his step ups. It could be surfed in well over head waves and paddle into waves easy and surgically. It would take elements of Stretches famous model The IT but change the nose and tail rocker. You could run it as a Quad or a Thruster with five fin boxes. JWF finds the sweet spot to be 7 foot to 7'4 but it can be ordered from 6'6 to 8 foot. JWF Celebrates the Fact that he is the Worst Surfer to ever get his own Pro Model.
MID-LIFE THE DAILY DRIVER CORVETTE MID LENGTH. Prices starting at $865 The Mid-Life is all based on fun! Our newest mid length developed with Jonathan Wayne Freeman this board is very easy to paddle and its user-friendly rocker/design is suited for any age. It excels for anyone looking to transition from a longboard to a shortboard or vice versa from a shortboard to a longer outline it will solve one’s equipment crisis. Based off of one of our most beloved models the “IT” the Mid-Life has less rocker and a more tapered nose to make this the daily driver for all conditions waist high to over head. User friendly rocker for average to mediocre conditions Performance foil for responsive maneuverability Paddles like a longboard, turns like a shortboard 5 fin convertible, 2+1, 4+1 configurations Available stock sizes 6’6 to 8’0 6’6 x 20 x 2.75 – Vol: 36.6 liters 6’8 x 21 x 2.8 – Vol: 40.2 liters 6’10 x 21.5 x 2.85 – Vol: 43.1 liters 7’2 x 21.75 x 2.85 – Vol: 45.86 liters 7’4 x 22 x 3 – Vol: 50 liters 7’6 x 22.25 x 3.1 – Vol: 53.3 liters For questions and custom orders contact us at INFO@stretchboards.com
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