Discounted boards on webstore
Yes, we have used boards for sale...
tired of endlessly combing craigslist for that diamond in the rough deal of a board that's somehow masked behind fuzzy photos and weirdo surf junkie's trying to pawn off that beater they found in the back alley?
then you should totally check out the USED BOARDS section of our webstore!
boards are sold on a first come, first served basis in "as is" condition. inventory is constantly changing so if there's something you don't see then keep checking in.
price is for board only (no fins). applicable shipping and taxes may apply.
some boards have tail pads, some don't. some boards have deck channels, others were shaped without them. some boards look stellar, some look used. each board listed has a story and we can tell you all about it.
if you haven't already, go to: http://store.stretchboards.com/product/used-boards-for-sale
got questions? of course you do!
this may sound weird but, please no phone calls inquiring about used boards. we like you and all but we're focusing our attention on getting existing orders and customers their boards in a timely and accurate manner. we're happy to answer your questions such as:
"why isn't that model on the website?"
"where did the product page and description for that model go?"
"is this the same board that wiggolly rode?"
"what's the volume?"
"can you send me a pic?"
"what fins would you recommend for this board?"
"can you rate it on a scale of 1-10 for condition?"
"how does this compare to a 2x4?"
"do you think i could surf it at my weight?"
"will i be able to kite on it?"
.... well, you get the idea
used board inquiries can be sent to info@stretchboards.com and will be answered in order they were received as soon as we can get to it.
don't have questions or the desire to arm wrestle the next guy for the board you are checking out? then go ahead and "add to cart" and we'll handle all your shipping and accessory needs.
*used boards are sold "as is" on a first come, first served basis. no refunds, no exchanges.