Custom EPS Options available a.k.a. ("Where'd the Love Handles GO?")
No love handles? No biggie! Think about it. Of all the boards you've surfed. Of all the boards you have in your quiver. What are the odds that you have all your boards with deck channels?
When Nathan came onto the team and asked Stretch to put them into his boards, I don't think anyone knew what was coming.
For sure the sander, hot coater and laminator weren't thinking that their workload just got gnarlier. Pick one up though and it feels soooooo rad! The reality of it is that deck channels aren't in every board. Heck if you don't have a Stretch or a Cole or specifically request them from your shaper then I'm pretty sure they aren't in your board either. This fact merely assumes that if you don't want deck channels then it's perfectly fine. Your board might slip out of your hands when you're on your bike. You might get throttled diving under a huge set and have it ripped out of your hands. Whatever. If you want to save some dough, have yourself a sick custom board shaped by Stretch and not want to answer the same question, "what's up with those grooves in your board?" all the time, then by all means order your next Stretch without deck channels. It's everything you need and nothing you don't. For 2010, we're even offering up a base EPS/EPOXY standard construction with additions so that you can customize everything from cloth lay-up to stringer color. A custom board should be exactly that, "CUSTOM". Feel free to get the board you've always wanted. Don't worry. The sander, laminator and hot coater won't be bummed if you order without deck channels :)