Andrew Bennett's Nias adventure
Summertime in Santa Barbara during a post-El Niño mega winter is a huge let down if you just got tubed out of your mind for the past 6 months. So, Andrew decided to keep stoking the fire and chased down a bomber swell all the way to Sumatra.
andrew bennett in nias 2016 from Stretch Boards on Vimeo. video: @nickliotta
Andrew was settling his feet into a new 2x4 step up round pin 5'11" x 18.6" x 2.4" and chasing down the bombs on a 6'8" x 18.5" x 2.6"
check out more of Andrew's trip to Nias by visiting sundancebeach.com
the boards may have showed up late.... but at least they managed to show up! photo:@nickliotta
andrew driving hard on his 5'11" 2x4 round pin step up. photo: @justin_buulolo
no stranger to backside tubes. photo: @justin_buulolo