5'8" Super Buzz sk8 deck CFT std with Darshan Gooch
"First ride impressions" is a new and ongoing feature showcasing one rider's experience with a Stretch board model of choice. Here, Darshan provides and honest evaluation of the sk8 deck version of the Super Buzz model after his first few sessions.
Name: Darshan Gooch
Height/weight: 6'4" 180lbs
Model/size/fin set up: Super Buzz sk8 deck: 5'8"X 20.25" X 2.1" Future quad with Akila Aipa Fiberglass twin-fin fronts and Josh Mulcoy signature HC rear quad fins.
Location/conditions: Pleasure Point: 4-6 foot slopey faced walls with an occasional section here and there. Lots of obstacles, but a few moments of opportunity to open up and draw out some open face turns, lots of cutbacks.
Rider background (general skill level, current board(s), misc. other factors ):
Passionate free surfer of sorts. Tall and lanky lackadaisical approach.
Initial thoughts/expectations (was this really what you thought you were getting?):
Coming into this with no prior knowledge or experience of Stretch's boards in the past, this was a great opportunity and a fresh starting point of interest for me. Mentally I can't say I had many preconceived notions of how things would go, which allowed me to come from a natural and intuitive place.
Ride experience:
Immediately from the get go I found a great availability and sense of speed from the entry point of the wave. From the initial drive into my bottom turn, I noticed there was this exaggerated sensibility and projection which was being generated from my back foot. The thing just took off! Initially it took me a moment to mentally adjust into not having the extra length, surface area, and entry rocker of a standard shortboard. But it wasn't long before this board found it's groove and allowed me to see where I could weave into tighter places of the wave, quicker and easier than before.
An abundance of speed, control and maneuverability at your disposal. Great motivator for average to decent waves when you may be looking for a little extra excitement in the daily doldrums.
Easily influenced and sensitive under your feet. This board may keep you honest in your movements and subtleties. Low entry rocker may be challenging in some areas if you aren't compensating with your back foot.
Summary (your best one sentence description, recommendations or overall feeling):
A great board to add into your daily drivers category when you may be looking for that extra spark of motivation and wanting to spice up your life with an extra little bit of excitement.